Friday, May 13, 2011

Bay to Breakers

As a local San Franciscan who was born and raised in the city, it's hard to admit that I never participated in the Bay to Breakers. In fact, I have never even seen the runners or the freak show they attract. Some years go by and I read about it in the paper and wonder how such a big event can take place in my town and not even know about it. Maybe because I grew up in West Portal, or maybe because of my lack of athleticism.

I wish all the runners luck this time. Maybe next year, I will join them. Or maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that this post shows up on first page of Google Image search for Bay to Breakers. I remember this was from someone's Flikr account. BTW, did you go this year? I have this costume every year. Calling it freaky or not, I get a feeling that that is one free day walking down the streets of the city. Peace.
